Meet the TOCG Team – Jordan and Rani in Conversation


Rani Haywood, Vice President at Tom O’Connor Consulting Group, and Jordan Sanford, Director of Recruitment and Professional Development, recently sat down (on Zoom in their respective home offices in Sydney, Australia and Atlanta, Georgia) to learn a little more about each other, how they came to be at TOCG, and the challenges and opportunities as they see them for the arts and culture industry at this moment.

“As people were going through this period, although there's all this change happening around them, it's also a period where they've had a moment to think about those operational and behind the scenes things that you don't often get a chance to look at when you're running through a season.” – Rani

“Almost every organization is looking for ways to source diverse candidates. And it's exciting in a way. But at the same time, we have to reckon with the structures that have limited the pool of diverse candidates over the years, centuries, the history of this country.” – Jordan

Read the full interview here.

Listen to Jordan and Rani’s full conversation below. (Fast forward to the three and a half minute mark to learn which Tina Turner song is in fact a cultural phenomenon in Australia)


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